For a while now I've been thinking things over, and I've decided to embrace a new direction for 4coder.
To anyone using 4coder, don't worry I am not about to leave you without an editor. This is actually not really a big change for users, because the project has been naturally pushing in this direction for a while. I just haven't officially embraced and announced the change until now.
Basically what I've come to realize is that the original vision of code intelligence that I set out to experiment with has fallen away. There are a few reasons for this.
1. Lots of people are exploring the low level space with new languages in the hopes of replacing C/C++. It seems like a waste to specialize in code intelligence for a language that might get replaced with one or more better languages soon.
2. Even if code intelligence in C/C++ would increase productivity for some time, I don't see it as the thing that would have the most value. When 4coder first came to Linux, it was the first time I could sort of program on Linux with confidence, because for once my editor was exactly the same there. I still can't do too much on Linux because a lot of other tools, such as shell scripts, the debugger, and the compiler are very different. Even if the Linux alternatives for each of those are better, the fact that they are different from what I use most of the day creates friction that slows me from freely moving between them without a productivity penalty.
3. Finally even setting aside the problem of cross platform friction, I think there are a lot more productivity gains to be made by having an integrated debugger with the customization power of 4coder, which is why I am excitedly watching as Lysa tries to solve the back end part of the cross platform debugging problem.
Therefore the new vision for 4coder is to make a programming environment with the features to create great extensions and customizations while keeping an eye on making everything work across platforms. It has taken me a while to be sure this is the right thing to do, but at this point I have become very confident.
I am very excited about this vision for 4coder, and I am interested to know what the community thinks about these issues.
Thanks for the support everyone!