Hey Everyone!

I just published 4.0.24 on itch.io, check out the devlog for info on what the new build includes.

In this post I want to outline my decision about what to do with one more week of 4coder November. Looking through my original todo list, and my updated todo list, there are a lot of possible candidates. A list of the many things I could pick from this week:
  • Query bars that accept commands, such as paste, just like regular buffers
  • Undo/redo cleanup and API
  • New command mappings to make a more notepad/sublime style configuration
  • Easy configuration of keywords available in the built in system
  • More sophisticated I/O than pipes to get closer to matching terminal/console behavior
  • ... plus more ...

I have decided to cool it and let these all stay on the todo list for now. I would like to have as few bugs in the last build as possible, since it might be a while before I get a chance to fix those bugs. It is better to leave the current users who don't need more features with something rock solid, than to over reach, add another feature, and have everything be a little unstable for everyone.

So for the next week I will be testing the latest build looking for problems, and working on things that have a very low risk of introducing new failure points into 4coder. I will be tracking down and fixing my last few unfinished bug reports, building one-off commands like the multi-paste experiment, and working on the big buffer algorithm+API upgrade that. Hopefully by doing this we will all be left with a 4coder that is rock solid at the end of this month of 4coder.

Thanks for reading and following everyone, later!