George Liontos
3 posts
Syntax highlighting "bug"
Edited by George Liontos on
Hello Allen and again kudos for the great work. I was using 4coder on Linux (Arch but I don't think that the architecture has to do with it) the other day and I found out a "bug". When you open 4coder and then you open a file with an extension that is going to be treated as code, everything is alright but when you launch 4coder via terminal an you give a file as a command line argument 4coder opens the file and the syntax highlighting doesn't work (it's as if you had opened a plain text file). Now, I quoted the word bug because I don't know if that's really a bug or the intended use of 4coder with command line arguments. By the way, have a nice month!
Allen Webster
476 posts / 6 projects
Syntax highlighting "bug"
That sounds like a bug to me! I'll take a look and see if I can figure out what's going on, thanks.