I wrote the "Customization layer - getting started" wiki post. Unfortunately I haven't finished updating to 4coder 4.1 so I don't feel confident updating the article yet (or creating a new one as the previous might still be useful to some peoples).
A few pointers:
- The entry point of the custom layer is the "custom_layer_init" function in "custom/4coder_default_bindings.cpp";
- The default bindings are in the "setup_default_mapping" function in "custom/4coder_default_map.cpp";
- So you can create a copy of those two files;
- name them as you wish. For example "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" -> "colin_bindings.cpp" and "4coder_default_map.cpp" -> "colin_map.cpp".
- In colin_bindings.cpp make sure to change the include from "4coder_default_map.cpp" to "colin_map.cpp";
- You can now edit the bindings in "colin_map.cpp".
- To build the custom layer you'll need to pass an argument to the build script "buildsuper_x64.bat colin_bindings.cpp"
- To make that easier you can create a build.bat script in the root folder with this content (assuming Windows 64 bit):
| @echo off
call custom\bin\buildsuper_x64.bat colin_bindings.cpp