The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Reopen File Bug

Hello Allen,

I've been playing around with "4Coder Super!", and I just started playing around with the 4coder-4-0-9-build-upgrade-super patch. While looking through the bindings I tried to use the "Reopen" file functionality (The default shortcut is ctrl+O). I noticed that when I try to
reopen a file that I just opened, an assertion fires and 4coder crashes. See screenshots below.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
This may be a problem with my PC only (I've had trouble with 4coder before on this computer, but I still try my luck). If it is only me, feel free to ignore this completely.

I'm running Win7 64bit.

If there is any more I can do to help clear things up, please let me know.


Edited by Michael on
Hey thanks for letting me know. The issue is fixed now and a new build with the fix should be available by the end of this week! It's fine to use the forums for bug reports if you prefer, but I do see and respond more quickly if you email me at [email protected]k and it makes it easier for me to track bugs.

Edited by Allen Webster on
Great news! I will make a note of that for any bugs I may find in the future.
