Code Spacing and Indents

After having 4Coder around on the hard drive for a bit, I've decided I wanted to try to get used to marker setting, keybinds, etc to relieve the need for consistent mouse use. I was previously using Sublime for most coding and following along with HH. When opening the sources in 4Coder version 4.0.11, I've noticed a lot of the white-space / indenting is a bit off from Sublime. Is this something I need to investigate in the customization or does it just interpret tabs and spaces differently?

EDIT: Additionally is there any way to force tabbing to help with formatting?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Edited by Scott Hunt on
So this is a point where 4coder is still a bit week, but it is the #1 thing that I am iterating on right now so it might be better soon.

Anyway, right now there is no option for changing the "width" of tabs, if that is what is going wrong. You can use the built in autoindentor to get it to convert everything to spaces. Other than that, there aren't many options yet, but keep your eye out for a4.0.13 where I think I will have more options for this.

Edited by Allen Webster on

Thanks for the quick reply. Late last night I upgraded to 4.0.12 and I'm very happy with the auto formatting setup so far. This signficiantly cuts down on the amount of time formatting. I think this may solve most of my concerns about tabbing and formatting. Only item I noticed is 4Coder does not seem to save the last value of where it breaks up lines (Ctrl 2 / Ctrl 3) commands.

Keep up the great work.


Edited by Scott Hunt on
Has this changed? Just started using 4Coder and I'm used to 3x Space Tabs.

edit: Would also be nice to have the option to automatically change tabs into actual spaces.

Edited by Jim R. Didriksen on Reason: More words..
I can't remember all the details of what was an issue in this conversation but I'll describe the current state of the indenter:

1. In virtual whitespace/code wrapping mode you have no control over the appearance of the indentations or the logic of indentation.
2. With text indentation, the indenting logic is all in the custom code, so if it is absolutely a problem you can try to learn how it works and fiddle with it.
3. There are two built in macro to the indentation system that allow for quick customization, one lets you switch between tab/space based indentation, the other lets you set the number of spaces used in space based indentation.
Aha, thanks.
Yeah its not the biggest issue, its just that all my code is indented that way (three spaces) so its slowly changing as I open and edit files. (also my last editor was masking
where I had used 3 spaces and where I used a TAB that was the width of 3 spaces.)

I'm leaving off customizing 4Coder until I have used the base-app for a while, and I'm making notes as I do that.

I have other questions but might write a accumulated-questions forum-post when I've been at it a while.