75 posts
Feature request: going to errors
alt-m builds your project, then you go to an error using alt-n and the cursor goes to the error in the build panel. So if I want to fix the error, I have to type in ctrl-g, then the line number, which seems kind of slow. Is there a faster way to go to the line in the code file? Perhaps another key combo to jump from the selected error in the build panel.

One other thing. Is there a way to tell 4Coder to run your executable and set its working directory, so it can find the art files when it runs? Something like that would speed up the workflow.
Allen Webster
476 posts / 6 projects
Feature request: going to errors
First thing, make sure you're building with full file paths, it may be that 4coder isn't finding the file it's suppose to jump to. When the whole thing is working it's suppose to jump to the correct line in the correct file. Also, if you send me an example of your compilers output that isn't working I might be able to help more.

Second, yes you can do this if you're writing your own customization you can call exec_system_command. If you aren't using a personal customization there is no way to do it yet, but I'll be building out something for that soon.
Simon Anciaux
1341 posts
Feature request: going to errors
You can do working directory by launching a batch file instead of the exe.
@echo off
pushd working\directory\path
rem e.g.: ..\..\..\build\application.exe
rem Absolute path should work too.
75 posts
Feature request: going to errors
Yes it was using relative paths. Now it's working. Thanks for your help guys. :)