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Line Wrap for compilation window

Small thing but been bugging me lately.

Compilation window does not wrap. So its kind of a pain to go and move the cursor to see all the output.
I know I complain alot but I am using 4coder alot and I love it keep up the good work.

This is just one of those things that are small but the longer you use it the more it starts to get on your nerves haha.
This is something that I think is actually a matter of preference. I could see the unwrapped buffer window being annoying, but some compilers use the alignment of the text in a way that is messed up by line wrapping. I'll include it in 4coder.config next time.
OK Im just saying im coding along and I have compiler errors and its long and the compilation window is usually only half the screeen but the error runs on far off the screen I have to stop what im doing to see the full error so thats the only problem.