The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

A thought. On Integrated Debugger.

As I was working I realized a big thing we need as a handmade community.

Just a dream but I think its a valuable one. We all know how awesome 4Coder is.
However when debugging switching back and forth is what we usually do. I have a dream... I dream that someday..
that our little debuggers and editors can hold hands and we can find a way to integrate a debugger into 4Coder. It would really streamline things.

I am 100% on board with that plan. And we're not the only ones (see here)!

In fact, one of my big plans for 4coder is to create an IDE that is almost exactly the same across OSes and that is customizable through the custom API.
Ahhh Allen this give me great pleasure to see that video.

Know that your efforts are greatly appreciated. May the momentum on that Lysa project keep going forward!

I await the day that I will no longer have to boot up that theomr kfungi visual studio.