Quit 4coder

How can you quit 4coder from fullscreen? alt+f4 doesn't work
In the default bindings, the key combo <alt E> is bound to send an application kill request.
I was also wondering how you quit 4Coder. I noticed your wording is "sends a request". So there is no guarantee?

<alt E> does not work for me either. I only bought like 2 days ago so is their something I should be doing?

Right now my only way is to do an <alt Tab> to get to windows and do a right click.. Close... on 4Coder
Zenn / ZennMystic : alt + E means alt + shift + e (since it is uppercase)
Ah I see mow... Yes that did it thank you.
"Sends a request" does indeed mean there is no guarantee. However there is only one failure case, and that is if there are unsaved changes in a buffer. Then it will instead open a dialogue warning you of the buffers and from there you can cancel the request or terminate 4coder, and from there the termination is guaranteed to work.