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33 posts
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
This one should be easier then OSX I suppose.
Hopefully it's just a compile for ARM (what do i know...).
Anyway, it would be great.

I don't even care if you don't really update it. Just so I can use a good editor on a PI for once :D
Alex Baines
44 posts / 2 projects
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
Edited by Alex Baines on Reason: architecture clarification
I believe the Linux 4coder port should already compile for 32-bit x86 (and probably ARM, but I haven't tested); for the Pi it might additionally require an OpenGL ES renderer though.

I'd be willing to help get that up and running if Allen wants.
Allen Webster
476 posts / 7 projects
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
Edited by Allen Webster on
I have a Pi and I've been wanting to get 4coder on it, but I don't think the time is right for it yet. It should not be too long but right now the big priorities are:

1. Full Unicode Support
2. Custom API Overhaul - Alternate editing paradigms, custom DLL reloading
3. Platform Layer Revision - Easier for porting to Mac, more modular rendering system, more features in the thread pool
4. Custom GUIs
5. ... event horizon past which I have no plans ...

Those are pretty broad todo items, but the chance of getting a Pi port ready to go by May or June this year seems pretty high to me.
33 posts
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
33 posts
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
I saw you have OSX support now. Great!
Is pi support within the horizon yet?
Allen Webster
476 posts / 7 projects
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
I was thinking about it recently. I cleaned up the renderer so if I need a separate OpenGL ES renderer it shouldn't be too hard to support... which means yes. :)
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
Doesn't nowadays Rpi have full OpenGL support? It was introduced almost two years ago: https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/another-new-raspbian-release/

If you are not using any fancy GL extensions then afaik it should just work with regular desktop GL, no need for GL ES.
Allen Webster
476 posts / 7 projects
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
Oh what do you know? I had trouble with it for some reason when I spent about one day on it a while back. But I'll take a look at it soon (maybe not this month though) and straighten it out. Thanks for the tip Martins.
Ryan Byczek
1 posts
C# programmer by day C++ programmer by night
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
Sorry for the thread necromancy, found this with search.

Is there still an appetite for a 4coder build on Raspbian? I recently got my hands on a Raspberry Pi 4 and I've really been enjoying it as a development desktop. I'd enjoy it even more with 4coder!
Allen Webster
476 posts / 7 projects
[Request] 4coder raspberry pi
I am still interested in getting 4coder on the raspberry pi. I also still have a lot of other important things to do in 4coder. It'll happen eventually, for now I am noting that there is still interest in it.