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[Request] 4coder raspberry pi

This one should be easier then OSX I suppose.
Hopefully it's just a compile for ARM (what do i know...).
Anyway, it would be great.

I don't even care if you don't really update it. Just so I can use a good editor on a PI for once :D
I believe the Linux 4coder port should already compile for 32-bit x86 (and probably ARM, but I haven't tested); for the Pi it might additionally require an OpenGL ES renderer though.

I'd be willing to help get that up and running if Allen wants.

Edited by Alex Baines on Reason: architecture clarification
I have a Pi and I've been wanting to get 4coder on it, but I don't think the time is right for it yet. It should not be too long but right now the big priorities are:

1. Full Unicode Support
2. Custom API Overhaul - Alternate editing paradigms, custom DLL reloading
3. Platform Layer Revision - Easier for porting to Mac, more modular rendering system, more features in the thread pool
4. Custom GUIs
5. ... event horizon past which I have no plans ...

Those are pretty broad todo items, but the chance of getting a Pi port ready to go by May or June this year seems pretty high to me.

Edited by Allen Webster on
I saw you have OSX support now. Great!
Is pi support within the horizon yet?
I was thinking about it recently. I cleaned up the renderer so if I need a separate OpenGL ES renderer it shouldn't be too hard to support... which means yes. :)
Doesn't nowadays Rpi have full OpenGL support? It was introduced almost two years ago:

If you are not using any fancy GL extensions then afaik it should just work with regular desktop GL, no need for GL ES.

Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
Oh what do you know? I had trouble with it for some reason when I spent about one day on it a while back. But I'll take a look at it soon (maybe not this month though) and straighten it out. Thanks for the tip Martins.
Sorry for the thread necromancy, found this with search.

Is there still an appetite for a 4coder build on Raspbian? I recently got my hands on a Raspberry Pi 4 and I've really been enjoying it as a development desktop. I'd enjoy it even more with 4coder!
I am still interested in getting 4coder on the raspberry pi. I also still have a lot of other important things to do in 4coder. It'll happen eventually, for now I am noting that there is still interest in it.