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4coder version can't go fullscreen

I can't go into full screen in windows 10 using the version of 4coder.

Other than that 4coder is a awesome text editor . Plus fast loading of files increases productivity compared to emacs/other text editors.

Edited by Shazan Shums on
Did you try to launch it from a console (or shortcut) with the -S flag (upper case)? It's working for me, but I'm on Windows 7.
I tried it by adding -S . And going into full screen mode. But I get this problem. Also I'm on Windows 10

Edited by Shazan Shums on
What if you start with -S -F (steaming mode and fullscreen mode)
The -S requirement will be lifted in the next build.

Not sure why you're getting that other issue with going fullscreen. I will look into it, but I run 4coder on windows 10 once in a while without seeing it, so this is going to be a tricky one. Is there any chance you can provide more info? Graphics card, and anything else you think would be relevant? You can send it to [email protected] if you want to be discrete about any details.

Edited by Allen Webster on
I hope that this screenshot gives enough info about my PC.

Plus I don't use a discrete graphics card. There for the GPU is Intel HD graphics.

Edited by Shazan Shums on
You can try using Casey's 4ed.bat, it automatically launch it in fullscreen. It works.
@echo off
start ..\4coder\4ed.exe -f 16 -F

modify the directory as needed.
Yes I hope that will be enough too, these things are always a little hard to track down. I will announce it everywhere (here, twitter, patreon, when I get a new build ready, I will try to address the issue there somehow, so let me know if you see any difference and then we'll go from there.
I tried Casey's bat file but it makes a fully transparent full screen window.