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Need to change backspace key to delete key in open file

The backspace key on my IBM Model M has stopped working. So that means until I get it fixed, I can't navigate to open files in 4coder. :( Is it possible to make 4coder recognize the delete key instead? If so how?

Edited by Mór on Reason: Initial post
I sneaked a peek on the API's internals, and as I see it backspace is hard-coded into cmdid_interactive_open, so without a power build (that I'm not sure exists anymore) you probably won't be able to bypass it... unless you use something like autohotkeys or remap it via registry on system level.

I didn't know there was a complete source version available in the past. I moved to BSD last year and learned Vim because I thought 4coder only runs on Linux/PC/Apple. I've since returned to Windows after watching how fast Casey is with 4coder. Vim is real nice, but the add-ons to give it IDE features are janky.

That autohotkey looks good. I'm already getting wrist problems using the mouse on Windows, so it will really help out. Thanks!
Yeah sorry, there is no built in way to fix this in the 4.0.X branch of 4coder, and that's pretty much the end of that story.

When the new engine/API comes out in 4.1.0 you'd probably have an easy fix but it's going to be a while yet on that.

Thanks Allen. I got it working with Autohotkey.

Edited by Mór on