<CTRL PAGEUP> doesn't fullscreen?

I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but whenever I try to toggle fullscreen mode (<CTRL PAGEUP>), it is not registering. Is this a known bug , or would it make more sense to try and load a fresh version of the program (overwrite existing files)?

Edited by David Madrigal-Hernandez on Reason: Initial post
If you have the super/paid version check the remapping file, there was for a version (might be the current version.) where Allen had accidentally used the same key-combo for something else and for the full-screen key-combo.

Succinct Version: You might need to comment out a key-mapping that uses the same keys as going full-screen and rebuild 4coder_custom.dll, if you are on the demo you might need to wait for 4.0.27

Edit: I'm 90% sure here, but I'm writing this from memory. <-- this should probably just be my signature on any and all forums.

Edited by Jim R. Didriksen on
Ill do a recursive search for that key combo, thanks!

Also, how would I go about rebuilding the dll? I am currently using the default binding Alt-M, but I keep getting the "could not find build.bat" output. And yes, I do have the super version of 4coder.
The custom dll can't be rebuilt from 4coder. (Saying that out loud is immediately embarrassing and suspicious, but anyway...)

Instead build from the command line by running the buildsuper script, or you can just double click the buildsuper script in the file browser.
I'm clicking on the superbuild.bat, but I keep getting the "Leaving Bindings Unaltered" message in the messages buffer.

Here I what I get when running the buildsuper.bat file in Command Prompt:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'metadata_generator' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Could Not Find C:\Program Files\4coder\metadata_generator*
Could Not Find C:\Program Files\4coder\*.exp
Could Not Find C:\Program Files\4coder\*.obj
Could Not Find C:\Program Files\4coder\*.lib

EDIT: Note that I ave already changed the default keybind in the remapping.h file.

Edited by David Madrigal-Hernandez on Reason: add missing info
That output makes it look like you are missing some " around a path probably the path to cl.exe , which is only needed when the path has spaces in it AFAIK.
Actually it looks like two problems...

cl isn't in your PATH for some reason, the script is suppose to try to initialize that. To fix this you should try to get vcvarsall.bat to run before running buildsuper. Could you tell me what version of visual studio you have? The fact that it's not picking it up from any of the built in paths is an issue.

Also since your 4coder folder is in Program Files there is a space in the path to 4coder_default_bindings.cpp which the script is trying to build. I keep running into this problem with people... it seems I can't get this script right. I will take a look at it again, but in the mean time if you just move your 4coder folder to a different path with no spaces it should solve that part of the problem.

Let me know how all that goes for you.

Also don't worry about "Leaving Bindings Unaltered" that is okay in this case, it's about changing the map at runtime, not how the bindings get changed in the code.
Not sure if this has anything to do with it.

Yeah, that's the script that's suppose to find your vcvarsall file and run it. Do you have one of those versions of visual studio installed?
Yeah, I have the last one installed. Should I wrap that line in quotes?
I'm not sure about your compilation errors, but once you get those sorted out (and for the benefit of anybody else wondering how to do this), here's how I changed the keybindings to make fullscreen work in 4.0.26 super.

Open 4coder_generated/remapping.h and modify line 31 to use some other keybinding, for example:

bind(context, key_f11, MDFR_CTRL, toggle_fullscreen);

That and a rebuild did the trick for me, I can now press ctrl+F11 to toggle fullscreen mode. I believe this still leaves F11 free for build commands, and even though this file is in the 4coder_generated folder, it does not appear to actually be generated by anything. (Correct me if I'm wrong Allen.)

Note that this is for Windows, for Mac you'll need to modify line 187.

Hope that helps!
I'm closer to figuring this out. Here is my current output:

The error in the Compilation buffer reads "\Microsoft was unexpected at this time"... Not sure what what means...

That and a rebuild did the trick for me, I can now press ctrl+F11 to toggle fullscreen mode. I believe this still leaves F11 free for build commands, and even though this file is in the 4coder_generated folder, it does not appear to actually be generated by anything. (Correct me if I'm wrong Allen.)

That's correct all correct. It's in the generated folder because it is generated by the 4ed package script, but it never gets regenerated for users.

I'm closer to figuring this out. Here is my current output:

The error in the Compilation buffer reads "\Microsoft was unexpected at this time"... Not sure what what means...

Weird. Please delete @echo off in all scripts and show me again. That way we can see everything that happens.

This is the result... pretty cryptic, if you ask me... (o_O)

EDIT: Tried in VS Code with some changes, and it did something:

Edited by David Madrigal-Hernandez on