The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Any plans on adding support for bitmap fonts or disabling font smoothing?

My favorite font is Terminus and I would like to use it in the editor, but font smoothing is bothering me and bitmap font file (terminus.fon) doesn't seem to be working.
Are there any plans on adding an option to disable font smoothing, and maybe also support bitmap fonts?

Edited by puzomor on Reason: Initial post
Yes, someday soon I plan to do a real heavy rewrite on the rendering system including font rasterizing, and will probably add support for bitmap fonts at that time.
I use IBM VGA8 ttf font that gives bitmap font appearance at 12pt size. I use it in all my editors and terminal, including Windows cmd.exe.
Just adding my voice here. Unfortunately I can't use 4coder in its current state, so I'll be waiting for this feature. :-)

For reference, I use the Terminus font.