Is Metal on MacOS a requirement?

Just bought 4.1.3, trying to launch and got a bunch of messages in console:
[CAMetalLayer nextDrawable] returning nil because device is nil.

The app is responsive but it doesn't do anything. No drawing, just black screen, hotkeys do nothing. Haven't tried to rebuild since I'm new to file structure.

4.0.30 works fine. So my guess is it tries to use Metal which is not supported on my GPU:
Chipset Model: Intel HD Graphics 3000
Type: GPU
Bus: Built-In
VRAM (Dynamic, Max): 512 MB
Vendor: Intel

I got an old MacBook pro 2011 and I'm happy with it, don't plan to upgrade any time soon. That also means I can't upgrade to anything later than MacOS 10.13.6.

Couldn't find anything on forums. Is it configurable, can I pick OpenGL, or am I wrong with my guess?

Edited by max++ on
I'll bump this. Can anyone who has a license for original source confirm that? Is Metal mandatory now? That turns 4coder unusable for me on MacOS

Edited by max++ on
You might get a faster answer by asking Allen on twitter or on the 4coder discord server.
Don't know anything about 4coder, but we're shipping GUI tool that uses OpenGL, and have not heard any complains from macOS users - maybe they don't upgrade their OS, that's why it still works, so not 100% sure about this.

Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
Got confirmation from Allen on Discord:
Yeah 4.1 Mac version only runs Metal.