it's extremely slow when program start with the big size font file

version: 4.1.6

system: wiondows 10

I add the font file(about 18mb) that i want to use and modify the config.4coder file, then the program start with top bar text named "graphic", i can't do anything with 4coder when in this situation, it will be continue about 2 minutes. my cpu is 7700hq, it has 3.4ghz frequency, and i should use small size font file to solve that problem?

Edited by wang on Reason: Initial post
What font are you using ?

I observed a little slowdown when using proportional fonts (last paragraph in this issue on git hub) but for me it's a fraction of a second, or a few seconds if I'm running from the debugger.

Using another font will most likely make it load faster, but you might want to create a new issue on the 4coder git hub, and/or ask in the 4coder discord as Allen doesn't come here often.
I use the monospaced fonts, it's named 'sarasa gothic'.

Thanks for your kind, on my another machine, everything is alright.