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Search path gives weird results

Hello to everyone,

I got a little problem with search paths in 4coder.

My directory structure:


I would like to add the Base folder to the load_paths of Project_A so its files will be loaded with the project.

I tried these settings in project.4coder:

load_paths_base = {
 { ".", .relative = true, .recursive = true, },
 { "P:\Projects\Base", .relative = false, .recursive = true, },

load_paths = { .win = load_paths_base,};

When I set recursive to false, no files from Base get loaded.

If I set it to true, it loads files from all over P:\ including some weird ones like $I6TEH77.h which are empty.

I'd appreciate it, if someone could help me out.

You need to add .path = in front of the paths:

load_paths_base = {
 { .path = ".", .relative = true, .recursive = true, },
 { .path = "P:\Projects\Base", .relative = false, .recursive = true, },

There is an issue on github about that.

Ah, finally it works! I dug around so long but missed the issue.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Replying to mrmixer (#26210)